VCE Studio Arts Unit Resource
Unit 3 Area of Study 2: Studio Process

Learning Area Visual Arts & Design 2, Semester 2 - September 2020

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In this unit, students begin to develop their own practice, focusing on the studio process. Students will develop an exploration proposal to determine an area of creative interest they wish to further explore. They will discover and analyse a range of artists and their practices to provide inspiration for their own art making. Teachers will guide students on the exploration of at least two artists that they will compare in terms of their historical and cultural contexts. They will develop analytical skills that they will then transfer to their own art making. Through exploration and experimentation of different styles, methods and techniques, students will develop a range of skills and concepts that they will develop into at least two artworks in Unit 4. Documentation of their ideas and artistic concepts will be documented and reflected upon in a visual diary. This unit allows students to explore their own identities and ideas within the visual arts while developing their own style and artistic expression. They will develop their skills in critical thinking, planning, and time management.

Essential questions:

  • How do I find and create inspiration?

  • How do I express my ideas visually?

  • How do different styles, methods and materials impact my artwork?

  • Why is it important to be exposed to other artists and their work?


Throughout this area of study, students will explore, develop and refine their ideas discussed in the exploration proposal. Through the use of a visual diary, students will investigate their focus, subject matter and sources of inspiration to develop their own ideas. Students will experiment with and develop skills in various art form/s, materials and techniques, and use the art elements and principles to create different aesthetic qualities. Through reflection, analysis and evaluation in written and visual annotations, students will work towards developing different potential directions that will inform their final artworks in Unit 4. 

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